Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ways To Manage Work Life Balance English Language Essay

Ways To Manage Work Life Balance English Language Essay This is the sentence that brings the idea when we talk of work-life balance. When we work every day, all day, with no time set aside for living life, we just get more stressed. We are unable to find sight of reality. We may not have the touch with creativity, which is just as important for producing quality work as it is for innovating in business. There are no benefits to living a workaholic lifestyle. A good work-life balance is very important in our life. Working is necessary and hard working is surely not bad but we need to find the right balance to keep our body healthy. Some rest is always necessary and that is something that the so called workaholics many times forget. A recent study shows that people who are stressed out in their jobs have a higher risk for dementia later in life.   This is bad news for the American worker who often has long hours and can often loose work-life balance on their way to climbing to the top of the corporate ladder. Deadlines, conflicting demands, promised delivery, increased accessibility, mixed with a need for a life outside of work, does not easily tip the scales to personal well-being. We have to focus on prioritizing and setting goals for ourselves, and create an action plan that will help us organize our life at work and in the home. Follow this Work Life Balance guide to get ourselves focused, and to create a plan that will help us to reduce stress. Setting healthy boundaries is essential for a healthy work life balance. Be attuned to our patterns of working, as well as our high alert, medium concentration, and down times during a 24 hour cycle. This will help us allocate tasks to appropriate times in which to complete them. Three more GETS to consider for a balanced life that will help us to sleep through out the night! These are Get Organized, Get Connected and Get Going. This paper deals with the ways to manage work life and reduce stress. Ways to Manage Your Work-Life Balance and Reduce Stress Introduction: Work to LIVE. Dont LIVE to work. This is the sentence that brings the idea when we talk of work-life balance. Its important to get a handle on mood swings or energy shifts if we want to maintain our work life balance and be successful in business. A good work-life balance is very important in our life. Working is necessary and hard working is surely not bad but you need to find the right balance to keep your body healthy. Some rest is always necessary and that is something that the so called workaholics many times forget. In todays intensely competitive global environment, companies that support work-life balance practices and encourage their employees to manage their personal energy effectively will come out on top. According to studies by the National Institute of Occupational Health, American businesses lose more that $300 billion a year due to absenteeism, employee turnover and workers compensation benefits directly resulting from overwork. We need to make priorities; it is necessary to take time for your family life. If you are married you need to spent time with your wife and your children. What are you with all the money if you dont have time to spend together. It is very often better to divide your time in working time and relax time. Work life imbalance leads to Stress: Happiness on your work is very important but when you come home you need to put all the sorrows and problems of your work away .A stressful job can lead to unhappiness that seeps into your leisure life and leads to bad health.   A recent study shows that people who are stressed out in their jobs have a higher risk for dementia later in life.   This is bad news for the American worker who often has long hours and can often loose work-life balance on their way to climbing to the top of the corporate ladder. There is good news though.   Companies realize that they need healthy employees and some are starting to take notice of new ways to handle work-life balance.   NPR reports said that in 2010 one percent of U.S. companies allow unlimited paid vacation for their employees.   Employees are allowed to take time when they need it as long as they get their work done.   This number also appears to be on the rise as companies pay more attention to results rather than tradition. As long as youre working, juggling the demands of career and personal life will probably be an ongoing challenge. Use these ideas to help you find the work-life balance thats best for you. Strike a better work-life balance: When your work life and personal life are out of balance, your stress level is likely to soar. Use these practical strategies to restore harmony. Deadlines, conflicting demands, promised delivery, increased accessibility, mixed with a need for a life outside of work, does not easily tip the scales to personal well-being. You have to focus on prioritizing and setting goals for yourself, and create an action plan that will help you organize your life at work and in the home. Follow this Work Life Balance guide to get you focused, and to create a plan that will help you to reduce stress. Be attuned to your patterns of working, as well as your high alert, medium concentration, and down times during a 24 hour cycle. This will help you allocate tasks to appropriate times in which to complete them. Ultimately you want to optimize the time you have available in order to reach your goals. This means disciplining yourself to work on your most important tasks, even though they may only be bite-sized chunks of a much larger project, rather than do the quick and easy, less important tasks that will make you feel better to cross them off in short order on your to-do list but, in reality, will bring you no closer to your goals. Three more GETS to consider for a balanced life that will help you sleep through the night! i.e. Get OrganizedGet ConnectedGet Going   Tips for Better Work-Life Balance: There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear. Today, however, work is likely to invade your personal life and maintaining work-life balance is no simple task. Still, work-life balance isnt out of reach. Start by evaluating your relationship to work. Then apply specific strategies to help you strike a healthier balance. Track your time. Track everything you do for one week, including work-related and personal activities. Decide whats necessary and what satisfies you the most. Cut or delegate activities you dont enjoy or cant handle or share your concerns and possible solutions with your employer or others. Take advantage of your options. Ask your employer about flex hours, a compressed workweek, job sharing, telecommuting or other scheduling flexibility. The more control you have over your hours, the less stressed youre likely to be. Learn to say no. Whether its a co-worker asking you to spearhead an extra project or your childs teacher asking you to manage the class play, remember that its OK to respectfully say no. When you quit doing the things you do only out of guilt or a false sense of obligation, youll make more room in your life for the activities that are meaningful to you and bring you joy. Leave work at work. With the technology to connect to anyone at any time from virtually anywhere, there may be no boundary between work and home unless you create it. Make a conscious decision to separate work time from personal time. When youre with your family, for instance, turn off your cell phone and put away your laptop computer. Manage your time. Organize household tasks efficiently, such as running errands in batches or doing a load of laundry every day, rather than saving it all for your day off. Put family events on a weekly family calendar and keep a daily to-do list. Do what needs to be done and let the rest go. Limit time-consuming. Bolster your support system. At work, join forces with co-workers who can cover for you and vice versa when family conflicts arise. At home, enlist trusted friends and loved ones to pitch in with child care or household responsibilities when you need to work overtime or travel. Nurture yourself. Eat healthy foods, include physical activity in your daily routine and get enough sleep. Set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy, such as practicing yoga or reading. Better yet, discover activities you can do with your partner, family or friends such as hiking, dancing or taking cooking classes. ABCDE for restore work life balance: Heres a practice recommends for shifting from hopelessness to hopefulness. I successfully use it with my clients to help them restore their work life balance. He calls it ABCDE for: Adversity Beliefs Consequences Disputation Energization. A Adversity Start by spelling out the nature of the situation. Notice that you can experience hopelessness in response to ostensibly positive situations as well as to negative ones. For example, getting a new client or being accepted into a final round of interviews can upset your balance and send you into a whirlwind of anxiety and fear that produces just as much hopelessness and overwhelm as not getting the job or not making the cut. B Beliefs This is your opportunity to spell out the thoughts and beliefs that are fueling the negative response. C Consequences Look at the consequences of your beliefs what happened as a result? How do you behave? What happened then? D Disputation Actively dispute the beliefs that break your life balance and send you into the downward spiral. This is where you practice arguing with yourself in a productive way. E Energization When you have been effective in disputing the problem beliefs, you feel an influx of energy, a sense of renewed hope, or at least of peacefulness. Strategies for managing work life balance and reduce stress: Here are nine strategies that, taken together, can help to change course without abandoning the destination and help you restore your work life balance: 1. Dont panic. Even if you feel panicky, you can choose modest, recoverable steps to address the situation. This is no time to get a divorce, fire an employee, or buy a new computer system. Tip: Talk with a coach or therapist to get perspective. 2. Return to Source. Whatever our spiritual orientation or tradition, connect with what for you is the Source of life or spirit. Know that there is something larger than you that encompasses you. Spend at least 15 minutes each day connecting with that Source. (I like Mark Silvers Remembrance Practice described in his free downloadable workbook Getting to the Core of Your Business.) 3. Take a body inventory. Are you sleeping well? How are you eating? Whats your energy level? If these are not up to par, get a professional evaluation and take the steps that will restore your well being. 4. Tell the truth. Sometimes energy flags when weve gotten into a pattern of pleasing others or living according to standards that are not our own. Notice if there is any imbalance. Notice where youre being less than forthright and get clear about your motives, then clean it up. (Talking to a coach or therapist can facilitate clear, authentic communication.) 5. Keep good company. Are you stimulated and encouraged by your peers and clients? Do you have great playmates? Playing on the wrong playground with the wrong kids is neither fun nor productive. 6. Tune Up Your Thinking. Theres substantial evidence that managing the way we think can have a profound and lasting effect on mood and motivation. 7. Set Healthy, Flexible Boundaries. Yes, real life and real business are intimately connected, but that doesnt mean that you need to give up your privacy. To find your work life balance, set boundaries so that you can feel generous without feeling depleted and available without feeling invaded. Keep them flexible, because things change. 8. Create or Refine Systems. We cant manage real life and a real business or hope to achieve meaningful balance without good systems. Look at where things feel most out of sorts and resolve to create or improve a system to get things on track. 9. Keep the Goal, Drop the Plan. Sometimes the best way to achieve a goal is to let go of our plans. Promptly and clearly revise commitments and offers as necessary to bring current activity in line with current resources. Why abandon ship when you can drop anchor while you make some repairs. As for me, these strategies led me to postpone the re-launch of the Authentic Promotion teleclass and take a break from Internet marketing. Having stopped the war between myself and my business, I restored my work life balance and now feel more engaged with the things that I choose to take on (like writing this article.) My audacious goals are now shining possibilities instead of looming obligations, and if it takes a little longer to reach them, arriving will be all the sweeter. Boost up Your Bottom Line by Encouraging Work-Life Balance: Overwork also takes its toll on employee creativity. Bruce Van Horn, CEO of and author of Firm Footing in a Changing Marketplace, writes, We need to be human beings, not human doers. Here are seven practices you can introduce into your organization to increase productivity and creativity and reduce costs at the same time. Train your managers to listen and use their best judgment to work with their employees to co-design arrangements that foster better work-life integration. Linda Stokes of PRISM International, Inc. puts it well: The real challenge here is to identify actual requirements of the job versus traditions of the company or preferences of the manager that sometimes masquerade as real job requirements. Use the actual job requirements and employee needs to design a better work-life integration plan.   Bring back lunch. Encourage everyone to regularly take at least 30 to 60 minutes for lunch away from the workplace. Encourage real vacations. A real vacation involves more than a few days away from the office while fielding cell phone calls and e-mail. Encourage managers to do what managers in European countries with paid leave legislation have been doing for years . . . cross-train employees.   Encourage productivity phases. Dr. Krista Kurth states, According to research, the human brain is hardwired to take a rest, or shift in attention, at least every 90 to 120 minutes. If we do not take this mental break, our brains will take it anyway. This is when we most often make errors. People who take productivity pauses return to the task at hand with renewed vigor and focus. Provide resources. Offer articles, books, brown-bag lunches and online seminars about stress and overwork, work-life balance and personal energy management. This will give employees the information they need to make better choices about balancing their energies across their work and life. Use the material in this article to begin designing your own seminar. Better yet, hire an expert to speak to your managers and employees or enroll them in appropriate training. Look for ways to sneak in a little fun. For example, if you have a cafeteria, you can transform lunchtimes into concert times inexpensively by inviting employees with musical instruments and hopefully a modicum of talent to play and/or sing for their colleagues.   Consider providing employees training in relaxation methods, such as Yoga and meditation. These practices help strengthen the body and lower stress. Meditation, Van Horn points out is the perfect vehicle to refresh physical and mental functioning and to enhance the emotional intelligence, which is a prerequisite for business building and developing entrepreneurial skills. Conclusion: In todays world, managing work life balance can be tough if you dont know what youre doing. Work is such a large part of your life that it can seem easier to forgo the other areas such as recreation, spirituality and family, to name just a few. But its important that you find enough time to enjoy all different aspects of your life, otherwise you can burn out. The first thing you need to do is write down your Intentions. These are things that you want to turn into reality for the next week. Attending your daughters recital, going to church or taking care of your tax return are all Intentions. So make sure you write your Intentions down in your diary for a certain day and allow time for them. Intentions dont have to be tasks, either. They can be as simple as wanting to Be Kind. If you want to live your ideal life, first you have to plan it, and then live it! This is the key to managing work life balance. Its important that you dont put off until retirement something youve always wanted to do. Remember, dreams are goals without a deadline. So if you want to turn your dream into reality, then you need to give it a deadline.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Educating Refugee Children Essay

I. Overview People in exile, more often than not, see a dim light when concerned about their future in their foreign country. This is a natural response; of course, for they would have never left their country if they were not suppressed, aggravated or felt a sense of helplessness and seeking refuge in another country is the only choice left. However, countries which serve as refuge should serve not only as asylum or shelter but instead serve as the new permanent home for these unfortunate people; and doing so means prioritizing decent homes and jobs for the refugees and most importantly, quality education for their children, for they are the hope of those whose rights are oppressed in their homelands. II. Rights to a Better Education It is very essential to ensure that the children of refugees get not only literacy and a decent education in their adopted homeland, but not only the plain teaching of reading and writing will suffice the children’s hunger for a real home, a real family and all the fulfillments of their erstwhile depravations, economically and in health; because in most cases some refugee children do not have parents when they sought for refuge and that mere fact should awaken educators that they should not act as teachers alone, but correspondingly, as a second parent. Moreover, the refugee children have experienced a downward plunge in their living standard and their lives have had significant changes, or worse, they could have been witnesses to horrific events and subject to traumatic experiences in their home countries. The effects of these will prove to be very crucial to their learning capabilities, and so it is absolutely correct to first see and evaluate the refugee children to determine whether they need special caring, for the caregivers and the teachers do not have a clue on the degrees of suffering, oppression and depression. The teachers should also consider the fact that the schooling of the refugee children could have been halted for a long period of time, and so reacquainting them with the confines of the classroom will surely take some time. Commencing the schooling and education of refugee children should also be perceived as their new births, the first step towards rebuilding their lives. They, the children and their other family members should be acquainted with their social and educational rights in their new country, albeit they are only refugees. It should not be held in dispute that refugee children by all means have the full rights to gain education. III. Other Facets of Educating Refugee Children More often than not, the refugee children are of a different race or ethnicity, and so in the United Kingdom, the Race Relations Act of 1976 serves as a mediator between the government system which supervises the positive treatment of refugee children in regards with their education. This act is to improve the harmony between races inside the classroom and to give protection to those refugee children who are likely to experience racism, bullying and discrimination because of their statuses as new aliens and being of a different culture and race. In the United Kingdom, this is the primary duty of the Office for Standards in Education and the Local Education Authorities (LEAs), to protect the basic rights of asylum-seeking and refugee pupils from excesses. Library books and topics relevant to the refugees’ language, heritage and homeland should also be found, for them to have a sense of belongingness. Â  Furthermore, setting the United Kingdom as an example of a country providing quality education to refugee children, the Chief Education Officers and Directors always make it a point to ensure that schools possess quality language interpreting services, make it a point that late teenager refugees complete their education, and make sure that English will be taught as a second language to them, regardless of age for this would be their primary medium in surviving in their adopted homeland and English being the universal language.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Health Benefits Of Drinking Green Smoothies - 862 Words

A. (Show a picture of scurvy infected teeth.) SCURVY! A vitamin C deficiency resulting in lethargy, bleeding gums, loss of teeth, fever, or rare in modern cases, death. (attention-getter) B. The cure for scurvy is vitamin C. Fortunately, natural vitamin C is provided solely by certain fruits and vegetables such as kale, spinach, mangos, the famous orange and the list goes on. (credibility) C. I am sure no one wants to agonize in the painful consequences lack of fruits and vegetables can inflict. (common ground) D. (Show picture of green smoothies) Green smoothies are a delicious and healthy source of energy that can provide you with numerous health benefits. (thesis) E. Today, I will tell you how I was introduced to green smoothies. Then, I will discuss some major health benefits of drinking green smoothies. Finally, I will tell you how to make a green smoothie. (preview) Transition: First, let me enlighten you about my green smoothie experience. II. Body A. My Initial response About two years ago my mother started running marathons and attending the gym. Soon after, she began drinking and making green smoothies on a daily basis. Whenever she made green smoothies she would offer a cup to my dad, my sister and me. However, our response was always the same, no thank, I prefer not to drink ‘green sludge’, as was our declared name for green smoothies. B. Embracing green smoothies. Fall 2014, I became a USF student. For the semester I had an unlimited access mealShow MoreRelatedSupportive Networking Essay733 Words   |  3 Pagesvitamin C to kick start your safe framework. Journal 11: Eating one green vegetable for every day or one verdant green is an incredible approach to get yourself more beneficial in the kitchen without much idea. It can be a measure of broccoli at supper or spinach snuck into a smoothie. A measure of green beans at supper or some verdant kale hurled with cleaved sweet potato and some basic seasonings. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism - 1018 Words

Discussion 1: Desire. Please respond to the following: Explain what you think your life would be like if you did not make decisions or act on the basis of your desires. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism suggest that suffering is caused by desire, and to eliminate suffering, it is essential to eliminate desire. This concept is so simple, and yet so difficult to achieve. From the moment we wake up, desire consumes our thoughts. Desire can inspire us to achieve great things, but desire can also weigh us down and prevent us from achieving those same goals. The key is to be in control of ones mind, so that we are not slaves to desire. We can watch the ebbs and flows of our longing, and act with full awareness that what we do is a conscious choice and not a habitual behavior. My life would be much more peaceful and happier if I did not make decisions on the basis of habit, and were more mindful. I would not instantly reach for a drink at the party. Instead, I would observe how I felt. My anxiety and fear would become a part of my conscious awareness, rather than suppressed and turned into the desire for numbness. Ideally, I would like to transcend desire so that I am free and liberated. I would not get anxious when I did not get what I wanted. Desire creates a state of never being happy, because there is always something out there that I need in order to feel fulfilled. To eliminate desire means to be fully present in the here-and-now. There is nothing to be desiredShow MoreRelatedThe Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism760 Words   |  4 PagesAlyssa Hayes Professor Wayne Knight 2/27/2017 Hum 10 Tuesday Buddhism The four noble truths The Buddhists strongly believed in the four noble truths which are the foundation of Buddhism. The first noble truth, is the truth of suffering or (dukkha). The Pali word â€Å"dukkha† can be described using the term â€Å"temporary†. Things that are painful and things that are pleasurable are considered dukkha because they are temporary and do not last forever. In relation to human life, Buddhists believe that lifeRead MoreThe Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism1533 Words   |  7 PagesCritically discuss the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, explaining the reasons or arguments given by Buddhism to support these Truths and discussing at least one objection that could be raised against the first Noble Truth and one objection that could be raised against the second Noble Truth. Buddhism see’s the Four Noble Truths as the Buddha’s way of explaining the truth of the human condition and are described as the essence of His teachings. The Four Noble Truths play an important part in understandingRead MoreBuddhism : The Four Noble Truths859 Words   |  4 Pagesspiritual practices, and traditions, Buddhism. Some of the spiritual practice of Buddhism have largely based teachings today across the world. The teachings consisted of â€Å"The Eightfold Paths,† â€Å"The Four Noble Truths† and some other breathings or meditations. The religion has taught their followers to shadow their own journey in order to assist them in their own lightning way. Some of the practice teachings include meditation and breathing exercise, and chant. Buddhism is a religion that has been aroundRead MoreThe Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism1642 Words   |  7 PagesMy Enlightenment Ever since I was a sophomore in high school, I have always had a particular interest in Buddhism. I have embraced the similarities that I have found within myself and the Buddhism religion. A few years ago, I was in a dark state of mind after my father had passed away. During my healing process, I felt that I was awakened in which I found my determination to search for my enlightenment. I spent a few weeks searching for what I thought was my path to end my suffering. I needed toRead MoreThe Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism1635 Words   |  7 PagesIn the history of Buddhism, suffering has always remained a key concept as it is the main reason for using Buddhist principles and practices to relieve ourselves from it. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism inform us of the following principles: suffering exists in life, there is a cause to our suffering, there is an end to our suffering, and following the eightfold path can relieve our suffering. Traditional forms of Buddhism suggest that we c an overcome suffering by attaining Nirvana, or the stateRead MoreThe Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism1248 Words   |  5 PagesIn Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha, the four Noble Truths of Buddhism are revealed throughout the journey of Siddhartha. The Four Noble Truths include: Life means suffering, the origin of suffering is attachment, the cessation of suffering is attainable, and the path to the cessation of suffering. Siddhartha discovers that in order to reach enlightenment, one must have experiences and struggle through these Noble Truths firsthand. The first Noble Truth â€Å"Life means suffering† is shown throughout Siddhartha’sRead MoreBuddhism: Happiness and The Four Noble Truths1442 Words   |  6 Pagespermanent. Gautama’s renunciation of an unsatisfying existence is a great model for anyone following the Buddha’s path. Gautama himself tried to find a teacher to help him find peace, however; this proved ineffective (Haught 47). Therefore, followers of Buddhism must find the way to peace themselves. No one can help them in this quest. One has to experience life on their own; following the rules of others will do nothing to bring about one’s own consciousness. For six years, Gautama joined a group of monksRead MoreThe Four Noble Truths of Buddhism Essay791 Words   |  4 PagesThe Four Noble Truths of Buddhism #65279; Dukkha is the first of the four noble truths of Buddhism. The word means suffering, but just to state suffering as the entirety of the first noble truth, is not enough because the expression of dukkha is the first truth that is needed for salvation. Moreover, dukkha is the conclusion of a logical chain of ideas that explains the life and death cycle of mankind. Before a person recognizes the truth of dukkha, he lives in a space of ignoranceRead MoreDiscussion of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism2489 Words   |  10 PagesQ2. Outline and discuss the four noble truths: is the Buddhist view of existence optimistic or pessimistic? The question of the Buddhist view of existence being optimistic or pessimistic is one which is many have an opinion on. It could be said that the four noble truths provide the views of the Buddha in the way that life is led and more importantly, should be led. Certainly, the end goal is clearly optimistic, the attainment of spiritual enlightenment, or nirvana. However, the Buddhist viewRead MoreBuddhism, The Noble Eightfold Path And The Four Noble Truths1650 Words   |  7 PagesBuddhism was an incredibly intriguing religion to me due to the emphasis placed on the reality that surrounds us, it’s a rational religion based on peace, self-understanding and the ultimate goal of nirvana. Buddhist followers live their life with three main goals; morality, meditation and enlightenment. Ultimately the core teachings of Buddhism are The Noble Eightfold Path and The Four Noble Truths. It is their lives journey to understand, live kindly and find their inner-peace. In a world so full