Saturday, November 30, 2019

The topic of my speech is Environment. I have di Essays

The topic of my speech is "Environment". I have divided my speech into three parts. Today, when our environment is being polluted so heavily, prett y much everywhere you look you w ill see or hear something reminding you that our planet's health is failing. But what is causing our environment pollution? First of all , our environment is being harmed by acid rains, climate change, the destruction of rainforests and other wild habitats, the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants and so on. Moreover, I think everyone in here can agree that all of these issues exist and that humans have caused them. Thankfully, some of us are concerned about the future of our planet. Secondly, in my opinion every one of us can do something to help slow down or even reverse some of the damage. We can't leave the problem solving entirely to the experts, because we all have a responsibility to our environment. Furthermore, we must learn to live in way that will preserve our world, like learn to use our natural resources, which include air, freshwater, forests, wildlife, farmland and seas without damaging them. Therefore, it is very important that we all start taking our environment very seriously by making some very simple activities part of our daily life. For example, try switching to fuel-efficient vehicles, use cloth bags in place of plastic bags that are highly non-biodegradable and don't decompose in the environment. Moreover, following such small activities in our lives can ensure that we help to keep our environment cleaner and make our planet a better place to live. At the end I want to say that our environment is constantly changing and this affects life on earth ; some these effects can be lasting and irreversible. So we must realize that we should be concerned about our environment

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ghandi and Kemal essays

Ghandi and Kemal essays Compare and contrast Mustafa Kemal with Mohandas Gandhi, explain their similarities and differences. In 1918, the Ottoman Turks were already independent, and consequently the allies (the United States, Great Britain, and France) wanted to make them pay. They were going to divide the Turkish territory among themselves. These were the conditions in Turkey at the time. The Turks feelings about being split up between the allies and the Greeks were very simple. Obviously they didnt agree. They wanted to remain independent and not be subjects of anyone else. So they elected Mustafa Kemal, who was considered a major hero to the Turks for capturing the Galippity Peninsula, was elected to be leader and ignored what the Sultan in Constantinople was saying, and they formed their own government. In 1923, the Turks defeated the Greeks and Britain and France decided to not send any force over and engage in any other war with the Turks. Simply because the British and the French were totally exhausted from WWI. They no longer had the same energy or power. Getting themselves involved in another war was the last thing they wanted to do. So they negotiated with Kemal a completely new set of treaties. Turkey maintained their national independence and the Allies were finally over with all the fighting. The Turkish independence was preserved, and everyone was happy. Now in 1923, after everything was settled and there was peace, many new changes happened under Kemal. First, Kemal made changes in the government. He got rid of the Ottoman empire, overthrew the Sultan, and made Turkey a republic. Next, Kemal secularized Turkey (secularized- no main religion in place). Turkey had been an Islamic Empire but when Kemal overthrew the Sultan, the religion was no longer dominant. Kemal tried to separate church and state, like the Europeans. No established religion, none was above the other. Religion was now a private affair....

Friday, November 22, 2019

Quiénes pueden brindar asesoría migratoria en USA

Quià ©nes pueden brindar asesorà ­a migratoria en USA Para todos los migrantes en Estados Unidos hay una necesidad evidente de contar con buena  asesorà ­a migratoria. Pero una cosa es informacià ³n en general, como la que se brinda en esta pgina y otra muy distinta asesorà ­a para el caso concreto de cada uno.  ¿Quià ©n puede brindarla? Y es que hay que tener claro que un mal consejo legal puede ocasionar muchos problemas  de cabeza. Incluso algunos que luego no se pueden solucionar. Es por esta razà ³n que es muy conveniente contar con la asesorà ­a de una persona honesta, trabajadora y que sepa de quà © habla. Es fundamental entender la diferencia entre quià ©nes son los abogados, los representantes acreditados, los consultores y los notarios y saber quà © puede legalmente hacer cada uno de ellos en asuntos migratorios. Abogados migratorios para asesorar en asuntos migratorios Los abogados obviamente pueden dar consejo legal y tambià ©n representar los inmigrantes en las Cortes de Inmigracià ³n.   El paso natural cuando se necesita consejo legal es contratar a un letrado. Para  elegir abogado  es fundamental contar con referencias positivas de clientes actuales o antiguos. Sin embargo, son relativamente frecuentes los casos de malaprctica y negligencia. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que los servicios de los  abogados en Estados Unidos puede resultar  muy caros. No siendo raro que cobren hasta $400 por hora y que carguen a mayores por servicios como fotocopias o llamadas telefà ³nicas, con lo que la factura final puede ser considerable. Muchas veces se puede ahorrar hablando previamente con el abogado y presentando todos los documentos ordenados y traducidos. Asà ­ se evitarn gastos en los que puede incurrir el despacho de abogados por tener que buscar ellos mismos documentos o de traducirlos al inglà ©s. Por à ºltimo, en el caso de encontrarse con un abogado cuya actuacià ³n ha podido no ser profesional se puede presentar una queja ante la  American Immigration Lawyers Association. En el caso de estar fuera de los Estados Unidos, es importante buscar abogados que de verdad entiendan las leyes migratorias de ese paà ­s y desconfiar de aquellos que aseguran conocer a alguien en el consulado que arregla papeles a cambio de dinero. Eso no es asà ­. En los Estados Unidos, tambià ©n es posible buscar opciones ms asequibles de asistencia legal como es el caso de los representantes acreditados, conocidos en inglà ©s como  accredited representatives. Quines son los representantes acreditados para asuntos migratorios Son las personas que estn autorizadas para actuar en nombre del inmigrante ante del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y sus diversas instituciones, como el  USCIS o la CBP. Esto es lo que se conoce como representacià ³n parcial. Pero adems, pueden estar autorizadas para representar a su cliente ante las cortes de inmigracià ³n. El Board of Immigration Appeals es el à ºnico organismo autorizado a conceder estas  acreditaciones  y lo hace a personas que: Sean postuladas para tal posicià ³n por una organizacià ³n reconocida.Posean buen carcter moral.Y tengan conocimientos y experiencia sobre las leyes y los procedimientos migratorios y de naturalizacià ³n para la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a americana. El Board concede la acreditacià ³n por un periodo de  tres aà ±os renovables. Por lo que para confirmar que todo est bien con la persona que se desea elegir para que actà ºe como representante se puede checar su estatus con el Programa de Reconocimiento de Acreditaciones llamando al (703) 305 9029. Otras personas autorizadas para asesorar legalmente Adems, estn autorizados para esas labores las organizaciones reconocidas como tales y los proveedores de asistencia legal gratuita. Asimismo, pueden representar a los inmigrantes otros representantes cualificados como estudiantes o licenciados en Derecho que todavà ­a no han aprobado el examen de ingreso al Bar pero que trabajan bajo la supervisià ³n de un abogado. Tambià ©n pueden hacerlo los oficiales del gobierno, como por ejemplo los agentes consulares y las personas como sacerdotes, vecinos, familiares del inmigrante y que sean de buen carcter moral y que no cobren ni directa ni indirectamente por estos servicios. Sin embargo, los que no estn autorizados a ejercer esa representacià ³n son los notarios o los consultores de inmigracià ³n. Que NO pueden hacer los consultores de inmigracin y los notarios Ni los consultores ni los notarios pueden, entre otras cosas: Representar a los inmigrantes ante el USCIS o ante una corte federal de inmigracià ³n.Brindar asistencia legal sobre a quà © beneficios migratorios se puede aplicar.Aconsejar sobre quà © decir en una entrevista con las autoridades migratorias.Ni tampoco pueden cobrar cantidades altas por sus servicios. Por lo tanto, si crees que has sido và ­ctima de un fraude migratorio, asà ­ se reporta. Qu servicios pueden prestar los consultores y los notarios Dependiendo de sus conocimientos, los consultores pueden ayudar a los inmigrantes rellenar los formularios del USCIS como por ejemplo los de peticià ³n de un familiar, permiso de trabajo, etc. Tambià ©n pueden  traducir los documentos que deben presentarse junto con las formas. Fraude y representacin por s mismo Es importante evitar fraudes y, si se es và ­ctima de uno, consultar cà ³mo es posible denunciar el caso.   Por à ºltimo, saber que en los casos ante corte migratoria el gobierno no est obligado a proporcionar abogado en los casos en los que el migrante no puede pagarla. Es posible la auto representacià ³n, pero las estadà ­sticas demuestran que los casos con ms à ©xito cuentan con la presencia de un abogado. De inters: informacin para legalizacin El fin de muchos migrantes es obtener papeles. Para ello es importante conocer cules  son  7 situaciones migratorias que se puede tener en Estados Unidos  y tambià ©n cules son en la actualidad los caminos limitados que los indocumentados tienen para regularizar su situacià ³n. Si se cree que se puede tener una opcià ³n, asesorarse con un abogado o un representante acreditado. Este artà ­culo no es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso particular. Tiene carcter meramente informativo.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why change is needed in software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why change is needed in software - Essay Example There are several reasons for software change. New advances in innovation may render an existing piece of system obsolete thus change is inevitable. For instance, software needs to be capable to adapt to fresh hardware or peripherals (Schlesinger 2010). In case there is no communication between software and hardware change is always the advisable solution. It is no good purchasing a new scanner or printer if existing software cannot interface with it. Technology advancement makes each and every day novel systems come to pass (Reifer 2011). They are a lot of other software, which are not in the system currently and individuals would ask why such software is no longer applicable. This is due to inability to tally with the new situation and hence necessitates to be wiped away. It should always change, with illustration it will render non-functional and cannot serve any better reasons rather than the system (Neufelder 1992). Software maintenance is also another reason that is associated with system change. Changes to the software are executed in reaction to changed necessities but the basic structure of the software remains constant. This is the most general strategy applied in system change. System change is essential in maintenance of its function and reliability (Naveda and Seidman 2006). Architectural transformation is associated with technological advancements that drive change initiatives to ensure the functionality of software is adjusted to meet real-time changes. This is a more radical strategy to system change then sustenance as it involves making important changes to the structural plan of the software system (Burge 2008). Most frequently, systems transform from a centralized, data-centric structural design to client-server design. In such scenario, change is necessary to meet the architectural transformations (Hallsteinsen and Paci 1997). Software change is also associated with software re-engineering. Software

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Response to R.A.V v City of St. Paul Case Study

A Response to R.A.V v City of St. Paul - Case Study Example The court case of R.A.V v. city of St. Paul would have revised the definition of the hate speech guided by the provisions of the First Amendment. The court should have convicted the white teenager based on the injury caused by burning a cross in front of a black family’s residence. The act was injurious in nature based on Butler’s argument that any speech or act with elements that imply hate or racism should be prosecuted. The cross was the fighting symbol that the plaintiff used to arouse anger and resentment to the black family. The misdemeanor caused by the white teenager would have been by the trial court for prosecution instead of dismissing the charge. Butler is convinced that the act of cross burning amounts to hate speech and should not be protected by the constitution. Additionally, the decision by the court to include the provisions of the First Amendment to dismiss the case was irrelevant. The Minnesota court would have ruled in favor of the City of St. Paul instead of dismissing the destructiveness of cross burning (Butler, 2013). The court ruling can be used by racists to conduct heinous act against other community guided by the protection of speech in the constitution. The court decision would have been based on the historical accounts that relate to cross-burning. The act has been used before to carry out racist attacks black families in the United States. Butler established that the court was wrong because it failed to consider past cases of cross burning. She felt that the act itself contained a threat that could be prosecuted in court. Butler felt that the constitution should have included cross burning in the list of fires (Butler, 2013). The court ruling would have prosecuted the teenager based on the definition of fire in RAV v. St. Paul case. The ruling would pave the way for amendments in the way the constitution protects citizens’ free speech.  Ã‚  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Politics and the American People Essay Example for Free

Politics and the American People Essay Being able to marry your most beloved one is the happiest and luckiest thing in this world. However, not everyone can do this because of the Defense of Marriage Act which defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. Same-sex couples have to suffer a lot in order to fight for their rights and their happiness.Theyare denied equal access to all the benefits, rights, and privileges provided by federal law to married couples.If we think of it from a humanity standpoint, everyone has the right to pursue happiness. Therefore, same-sex marriage should be legal. The reason for making gay marriage legal is equality in citizenship. Despite their sexual attraction, homosexual individuals must be treated in the same way as everyone. They should not only have the same rights in housing, jobs, social benefits but also in marriage. Lately, a Republican Senate, Mark Kirk, has become the second Republican senator to endorse same sex marriage. â€Å"Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this earth is limited, I know that better than most,† Kirk said. â€Å"Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back– government has no place in the middle.† President Obama is also a supporter of gay marriage. Not only is it right and fair, but also consistent with our Constitution, he said. It is very important for us to remember were a nation in which everybodys supposed to be equal before the law. President’s statement is the hope for LGBT, Les Gay Bisexual Transgender community, to be treated equally by the law. Legalizing gay marriage is the way to show support and sympathy to homosexual individuals. Most Americans who think same-sex relations are wrong believe being gay or lesbian is a choice. Those who do not think same-sex relations are wrong think being gay or lesbian is something people cannot change. Senator Rob Portman, from Ohio, a co-sponsor of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, now supports same-sex marriage after learning his son was gay. I have come to believe that if two people are prepared to make a lifetime commitment to love and care for each other in good times and in bad, the government shouldnt deny them the opportunity to get married, he said. His son, Will, told his parents that being gay was not a choice, but the part of who he is, , and thats who hed been that way for as long as he could remember. Most of the homosexual individuals feel unconfident in front of the publicity due to the sexual attraction, and they feel lonely because of the isolation. Publicity should give them confidence for being who they are to lead on a bright life. Moreover, having a feeling for someone isn’t a sin. Hence, gender doesn’t matter in a relationship, gay couples also need support from the others. Generally, there’re a lot of people who oppose gay marriage because they think it’s weird and immoral. It’s rare, but doesn’t mean weird and unhappy. Homosexual individuals are just a small amount of us, but they are nothing different from us but their love to the same sex. They also take care of their partner well, love each other and live an ordinary life. How people can use immorality as an excuse to prevent the others seeking for their happiness?Let’s take Elton John and David Furnish as an example. John is the well-known musician who is used to addict to alcohol and drugs, but his partner, David, helped him to get rid of those dangerous addictions and live a better life. They formalized their relationship in December 2005, and they also adapted a boy in 2010. It’s the obvious proof that homosexual individuals can live a normal life as same-sex marriage legalized. In spite of one’s gender and sex’s attraction, everyone should be respected and treated equally in marriage. So, they can live a normal life and be happy with their beloved one. More and more Senate Democratand Republican support same-sex marriage. The battles over same-sex couples marrying still continues, and the number of Americans who support same-sex marriage is increasing. From what I see, if there’s any reason for fighting for gay marriage, they must be love, equal, sympathy and because we’re human.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Annotation of Paul Laurence Dunbars Ships That Pass In The Night :: Dunbar Ships Pass Night Poem Essays

An Annotation of Paul Laurence Dunbar's Ships That Pass In The Night Laurence Dunbar's "Ship That Pass In The Night" is a cry for opportunity for all men, regardless of race. Dunbar's poem directly parallels a passage from Frederick Douglass' autobiography that gives an account of his life as a slave. Both Douglass and Dunbar look out at the ships that sail by and see hopes for societal changes. Although they both sought change, their aspirations were quite different. Frederick Douglass watched the ships from ashore, wishing for freedom and for slavery to be abolished. Paul Laurence Dunbar on the other hand was already a free man. He was on a ship, still more of an opportunity than Douglass had, yet he was still in search for new opportunities for African Americans. The new opportunities that he seeks are upon a ship somewhere sailing in the dark night and keep passing him by. Links from the poem below are best read in order from the beginning of the poem to the end Ships That Pass In The Night by Paul Laurence Dunbar Out in the sky the great dark clouds are massing; I look far out into the pregnant night, Where I can hear a solemn booming gun And catch the gleaming of a random light, That tells me that the ship I seek is passing, passing. My tearful eyes my soul's deep hurt are glassing; For I would hail and check that ship of ships. I stretch my hands imploring, cry aloud, My voice falls dead a foot from mine own lips, And but its ghost doth reach that vessel, passing, passing. O Earth, O Sky, O Ocean, both surpassing, O heart of mine, O soul that dreads the dark! Is there no hope for me? Is there no way That I may sight and check that speeding bark Which out of sight and sound is passing, passing? The speaker begins by looking out into the night sky and sees a storm brewing. The storm represents the future, and like the nature of a storm, the future is unpredictable. A storm can either be threatening with thunder and lightning, or just a gentle rain that comes and goes. The speaker does not know what the future will bring for African Americans. He only knows that something is going to happen. The night is "pregnant" with opportunity and equality, waiting to deliver to people of all races. But the storm brewing on the night horizon is both threatening and promising for the speaker.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Operating system Information

Healthy, Empowered and Responsible community through delivery of quality health care services.To provide quality health care by competent and compassionate staff that is available, accessible, affordable, and sustainable for the constituents of racial. Development Plan Components/Network Configuration The consultant of Jackal Municipal Hospital (YAM) raises the question: â€Å"Is the network needed? † Most definitely a network should be established.Having intentions of using computers that want to â€Å"share† information, applications, or software implements the use of some type of network. Specifically, the idea was mentioned of using a database and sharing a community collection of client information. A logical topology setup with this given information and the company's desires would be to use a star topology. The star, built around a server-based network, will allow centralized accounts and file storage creating easier, central access with only having the employees to use a single account password.Employees want the ability to access to all files and services at the same time, using a server will be able to allot for he multiple requests to similar information without decreasing in performance. This setup will allow a server, client computers, and laser printer to be connected to a central switch that can share information across the local area network (LANA); in conjunction with this switch, a router, which is connected to a modem, will provide the local area network with an outside source to the internet.The server will act and provide the company's database of client files, a print server for a desired laser printer, and will host each employee's company e-mail account. However, a star apology creates flexibility and more usability for the employees, with any setup has it has couple potential downfalls. The physical wiring to connect computers on a star topology requires more labor and more cable for installation; running through the ceili ng, tight enclosures, or under the carpet can be tedious and slightly time consuming.Nonetheless, a server based network will well suited the setup, usage, and rate of growth of this Hospital Location of JACKAL MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL (YAM) Legal Basis This new network star topology, server configuration, and client computers will be overfed and control Microsoft's latest version of server operating system, Windows 7 Server With Windows 7 Server implemented, in conjunction with . Windows operating systems on the network, the hospital network services, security software, office productivity applications, and specialty software will be able to run effectively for company employees.Windows based, optional services such as Exchange Server 2013, SQL 2013, or Share Point Server operate effectively with the Windows. Office productivity programs such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation footwear will be available for employee use with the installation of Microsoft's Office 2010 Sui te; Microsoft's operating systems and their office productivity programs operate smoothly and have great file compatibility with each other. Accounting specific software and third-party business software, MOB Business Essentials, Sage Simply Accounting, or Quick Books 8. , perform exceptionally well across a windows based network and with the Office productivity software. Data Communication Media When relocating the business of operations to a new building and upgrading imputer equipment the need for new network media is a definite. Considering the specifications of the stationary, new computers, servers and network equipment CAT Ethernet cable is ideal. All of the newly selected units of business equipment have gigabit transfer compatible Nice and since CAT, to date, is the only HTTP cable capable of handling gigabit transfer it is the perfect choice for communication media.CAT cable and gigabit network cards will allow business employees and management to access server resources, transfer files, and provide a strong backbone for the business's data communication. Selecting CAT capable is the solution for the business's stationary computers, however suite the needs of the seven management positions that carry laptops a wireless access will be installed. A wireless access point will be able to support the business's laptops mobility capabilities.The employees with laptops while in the office will have the choice to either plug in with CAT or connect to the wireless to access the business's networked resources. Common Carriers and Services Usage Each employee in hospital is set to be outfitted with some type of computer that is unconnected to the new network; this is how will be how services and communications will be accessed and used. The business's internet access will be installed by local cable provider, Compact or similar.The services selected will provided a business connection that has Mbps download and Mbps upload speeds. The network capabilities will only be used by business employees and not the general public. Any client information or requested services will use a business employee as an arbitrator between them and the business's services. The employees will then access company services through their workstation or laptop, connect to the server that souses information, and use company software to satisfy client's requests.Employees business/client information. The employee will then choose the appropriate software to complete the client's request, either with network software or software installed on that business individual's computer. The reason why the network plan is being proposed : To create a LANA so that the employee can easily store a data on their own computer, with the used of the Ian, they can easily share and get data without being disturb. This way the work will be done fast and reliable to the employee in computer worker n the hospital.Network Diagram: (note: u can see the specs are bit low quality shown in dia gram sorry can't find any better pick in net sir) Investment requirement/Hardware Needs The new network proposal is completely is server-client network that totally revolves around the central server and its provided services, so to begin discussing new hardware lets start from the server and work outward. Before beginning individual hardware specifications, I have chosen hardware from Dell's business solutions. The business's services and resources will manage and controlled by Dell's Powered 800 Ill.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Manual vs Automatic Transmission Essay

Why are cars with manual transmissions so popular? Also, what are some of the differences and some of the advantages to driving a car with a manual transmission? They are more difficult to drive than a car with an automatic in it. They also require certain motor skills that you don’t need with an automatic. One could also choose an automatic that is easier to drive and would make your drive in rush hour traffic more comfortable. People who have driven cars with manuals in them know the differences and the advantages of driving one. The driver has more control over the car’s power than they do when driving cars with automatics in them. Cars with automatics are great to drive around because they don’t require too much driving skills. People who don’t really like to drive usually will choose a car that is automatic. They often don’t pay as much attention to the things that are happening around them while they are driving. They have improved a lot through the years with better gear ratios, and the shifting response when the driver just presses on the gas. However, they are not as much fun to drive. That is why race are drivers drive cars with manual transmissions. Cars with manual transmissions are very fuel efficient. They respond better to the driver which makes them safer. People that drive cars with manual transmissions are more focused on their driving. When the driver down shifts when they are driving to reduce their speed, they are also saving their brake pads. Other thing cars with manual transmissions have more power and tend to respond better when you accelerate. It also makes your driving more interesting. Also race car drivers drive cars with manual transmissions to take their driving skills to a higher level for maximum performance. Ones personality will make you decide on which is better for you to drive. My personal opinion is that cars with manual transmissions are a lot more fun to drive than automatics. Because, cars are made for driving and driving should be fun.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

On Being a Travel Writer for AAA

On Being a Travel Writer for AAA Wanderlust bit me early – as a toddler skipping stones across the Great Lakes, and as a young girl fishing with Dad in the Florida Keys. I’d often dreamed of being a travel writer. After attending the 2011 Missouri Writer’s Guild conference, I had the opportunity to connect with the editor of AAA Midwest Traveler and AAA Southern Traveler. She requested writing samples I’d penned on travel. I jumped at the chance, and emailed her a feature article on horse drawn sleigh-riding published in Missouri Life, two stories on Folly Beach, South Carolina published in The Folly Current, and a personal essay on scuba diving. The editor enjoyed my stories and mailed me a contract for a Caribbean feature article, â€Å"Inside the Bahamas Out Islands,† covering romance in Great Guana Cay, Abaco; Hopetown Elbow Cay’s history, and water sports in Eleuthera, Bahamas. The contract recapped the story idea, provided formatting guidelines, word count, due date, contracted amount, and assignment letter. AAA article prices are preset, so there was no negotiation. After signing and returning the paperwork, I used the assignment letter to contact tourism offices in the locale I was visiting. Sometimes perks are offered After arriving at a resort, I meet with the Public Relations Manager or General Manager to discuss the resort’s unique features and secure quotes pertinent to the article. Perks have included butlered-stays at Sandals Emerald Bay, Exuma, behind the scenes tours at Churchill Downs, an upgrade to an oceanfront beach house in the Bahamas, and an all-day fast-boat adventure in the Exuma Cays. I cherish these comps as I never know when I’ll receive them. As with any story, it’s important to â€Å"Show, Don’t Tell,† a pearl of wisdom I learned as a member of my writing group Saturday Writers. The aroma of the frangipani, the cool ocean mist touching skin, the tangerine and blue violet sunset, all add to the experience. Creating visual images places the reader in the moment. Anything less cheats them. Carrying a variety of cameras helps me connect the dots at a later date, especially if I can’t remember if the hibiscus floating in the sunken tub was red-orange or magenta, or the shape of water droplets in a tide pool were round or oval. I carry a small notebook with me at all times, especially when I’m writing on ocean adventures when a computer isn’t feasible. While on a 007 Thunderball adventure tour in the Exuma Cays, we stopped to feed iguanas, snorkel in the grotto where the James Bond movie Thunderball was filmed, and skip on the sand at Galiot Cay sandbar. Experiences are key in travel writing. When writing about spa-cations then The query period for AAA is open from January through April. Assignments are set shortly thereafter, with deadlines the following year, unless otherwise stated. Source and contact information should be supplied to your editor, whether at AAA or otherwise, which includes names, addresses, emails, websites, and phone numbers for anyone you’ve interviewed or photographed. AAA verifies source information and fact checks the article closer to the date. When you add up all the adventures, people met, and land traversed, it’s not a bad gig. The fact that I’m able to combine my love of traveling with writing and photography is a blessing. And I’ve made many friends along the way.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Apj Abdul Kalam Quotes

I wonder why some people tend to see science as something which takes man away from God. As I look at it, the path of science can always wind through the heart. For me, science has always been the path to spiritual enrichment and self-realisation. The best way to win was to not need to win. The best performances are accomplished when you are relaxed and free of doubt. One of the important functions of prayer, I believe, is to act as a stimulus to creative ideas. Within the mind are all the resources required for successful living. Ideas are present in the consciousness, which when released and given scope to grow and take hape, can lead to successful events. God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps to tap and develop these powers. I have always been a religious person in the sense that I maintain a working partnership with God. I was aware that the best work required more ability than I possessed and therefore I needed help that only God could give me. I made a true estimate of my own ability, then raised it by 50 per cent and put myself in Gods hands. In this partnership, I have always received all the power I needed, and in fact have actually felt it flowing through me. Today, I can affirm that the kingdom of God is within you in the form of this power, to help achieve your goals and realise your dreams. I have used the word flow at many places without really elaborating its meaning. What is this flow? And what are these Joys? I could call them moments of magic. I see an anology between these moments and the high that you experience when you play badminton or go Jogging. Flow is a sensation we experience when we act with total involvement. During flow, action follows action according to an internal logic that seems to need no conscious intervention on the part of the worker. There is no hurry, there are no distracting demands on ones attention. The past and the future disappear. So does the distinction between self and the activity. I have always considered the price of perfection prohibitive and allowed mistakes as a part of the learning process. I prefer a dash of daring and persistence to perfection. To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. Individuals like myself are often called Workaholics. I question this term because that implies a pathological condition or an illness. If I do what I desire more than anything lse in the world and which makes me happy, such work can never be an aberration. Words from the twenty-sixth Psalm come to my mind while I work: Examine me, O Lord, and prove me. Total commitment is the common denominator among all successtul men and women. Happiness, satisfaction, and success in life depend on making the right choices, the winning choices. There are forces in life working for you and against you. One must distinguish the beneficial forces from the malevolent ones and choose correctly between them. God can do tremendous things through the person who doesnt care about who gets he credit. Ego involvement must go, writes [Robert] Schuller. Before God trusts you with success, you have to prove yourself humble enough to handle the big prize. It has been my personal experience that the true flavour, the real fun, the continuous excitement of work lie in the process of doing it rather than in having it over and done with. A person with belief never grovels before anyone, whining and whimpering that its all too much, that he lacks support, that he is being treated unfairly. Instead, such a person tackles problems head on and then affirms, As a child of God, I am greater han anything that can happen to me. Looking back on my days as a young scientist, I am aware that one of the most constant and powerful urges I experienced was my desire to be more than what I was at that moment. I desired to feel more, learn more, express more. I desired to grow, improve, purify, expand. I never used any outside influence to advance my career. All I had was the inner urge to seek more within myself. The key to my motivation has always been to look at how far I had still to go rather than how far I had come. After all, what is life but a mixture of unsolved problems, ambiguous victories, and morphous defeats? The trouble is that we often merely analyse life instead of dealing with it. People dissect their failures for causes and effects, but seldom deal with them and gain experience to master them and thereby avoid their recurrence. This is my belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins. Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended. Are you aware of your inner signals? Do you trust them? Do you have the focus of ontrol over your life in your own hands? Take this from me, the more decisions you can make avoiding external pressures, which will constantly try to manipulate and immobilise you, the better your life will be, the better your society will become. The entire nation will beniflt from having strong, inner-directed people as their leaders. e sa difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person. And to retain this right, you will have to be willing to take the social or external risks involved in ignoring pressures to do things the way others say they should be done. Gods providence is your inheritance.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Consumer Behavior [Motivation within marketing process] Essay

Consumer Behavior [Motivation within marketing process] - Essay Example This report is divided into three sections, including literature review, reflection, and discussion/analysis. In the first section (literature review), a total of four consumer behaviour theories such as marginal utility theory, consumer choice theory, perceived risk theory, and diffusion of innovations theory are discussed to gain a deep theoretical understanding of various factors that would influence a consumer’s degree of motivation and thereby purchasing behaviour. In the second section (reflection), one of my recent personal consumption activities will be described in order to analyse the motivational factors that led to the specific consumption process. Here, the way the organisation interacted with me to motivate me to consume the product is emphasised. In the third section (discussion/analysis), the major finding of the study is brought together for providing an analysis of my own consumer behaviour in the light of the issues raised in the literature review. Finally, the conclusion part summarises the key findings of the report. In order to critically evaluate the impact of consumer behaviour theories on motivation within the marketing process, it is vital to acquire a better understanding of the concepts of marketing and motivation. The process of marketing is directed at the identification, anticipation, and satisfaction of customer requirements with the ultimate objective of profit maximisation. According to Philip Kotler, â€Å"marketing is that social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating offerings and freely exchanging products and services of value with others† (as cited in Singla, 2011, p.101). The marketing concept is the philosophy that requires companies to focus on the needs of their customers so as to promote decision making and to meet customer satisfaction better than competitors. As Shimasaki (2009, pp. 98-99) describes from the time